• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. K

    Solved Scripts not working for discord

    Hi all, I have been using a discord instance of SinusBot, but I never attempted to add any scripts before tonight. None of the ones I download and put into the "scripts" folder is working (http://prntscr.com/h8j92x). An option to enable them in the web interface doesn't seem to work...
  2. remix867

    Vorschlag: Trackstatus Discord

    Betriebssystem: Debian 8.0 Basical SinusBot Version: 0.9.21 TS3 Version: Discord ;D Verbesserungsvorschlag: Gewisse Funktionen wie "Announce tracks" sind bei Discord noch nicht verfügbar. Die Funktion "Announce tracks" kann natürlich nicht wie bei Teamspeak im Channel Chat eine nachricht...
  3. D

    won't fix It doesn't show any voice channel (Discord)

    Operating System: Linux SinusBot Version: 0.9.x Problem Description I let the bot connect to my Discord server but it doesn't show any channels so i cant let it join. it has admin permission so it should be able to see all channels.
  4. N

    How to install sinusbot? On bananaPi for discord.

    How do I activate Sinusbot on bananaPi? I will use it for Discord. [Raspbian]
  5. Evan Schleret

    Solved Licence for Discord ?

    Hi, I have a Sinusbot licence for 8 instances but I can't use one of them for Discord. Is there any possibility to upgrade the maximum numer of discord's bot too :/ ? Best regards
  6. Zalati

    EN Github Discord Bot

    Is it possible to run this bot with Sinusbot ? https://github.com/Nabrok/gw2-discord-bot Or we need to make an adaption of it ?
  7. B

    Solved Discord Installation help

    Hi, I am installing the bot, and this is my first time and I want to install it for discord, and I have made a application on the discord developer page like it says to do on the SinusBot page but all it is showing me is the Client ID and Client secret but it says it needs a token and there is...
  8. XeruTec

    Solved Sinusbot (Autoscript) - Start Problem

    Heyho Leute! Ich habe gestern einen Sinusbot via Autoscript auf meinem VPS installiert. Habe ihn auch zum laufen bekommen. Heute morgen bin ich auf den Discord Server auf dem der Bot lief drauf gegangen und weg war er. Ich habe ihn mit dem Befehl ./sinusbot neugestartet. Wenige Sekunden...
  9. K

    Discord suport?

    Betriebssystem: Linux Debian 8 SinusBot Version: 0.9.16 TS3 Version: Problembeschreibung Und gibt es für Discord scripts, dass der Sinusbot zum Beispiel in einen bestimmten channel wechselt, wenn niemand sonst im selben channel ist? Und kann man man dem Sinusbot ein Spiel simulieren dass man...
  10. E

    Sinus Panel on Discord

    How do I allow others to use sinus bot panel on discord (I do not have a ts3 server, nor does a friend have one.)
  11. tutur1004

    Solved Discord !yt commandes

    Operating System: Debian (linux) SinusBot Version: 0.9.16-10f0fad TS3 Version: Discord :) Problem Description Impossible to do !yt or !yqt, i have yt-dl intall but the console say me : 2017-01-19T22:56:25+01:00 sending private messages is not supported for Discord 2017-01-19T22:56:24+01:00...
  12. Patrick15a

    Tutorial HowTo connect the Bot to your own Discord Server.

    Hello there, here I show you How to connect your Bot to your own Discord Server. This is a Step by Step Tutorial with images. Important: You need Sinusbot 0.9.15-b20cc30 or above! If your installation is older, you might not be able to select Discord as a backend. To solve this issue, the...