English or german only please.Comando che non è riuscito: "sed -i 's / YoutubeDLPath = \" \ "/ YoutubeDLPath = \" \ / usr \ / local \ / bin \ / youtube-dl \ "/ g' $ LOCATION / config.ini". Si prega di provare ad eseguirlo manualmente e allegare l'output alla segnalazione di bug nel thread del forum.
Se continua a non funzionare, segnalalo all'autore all'indirizzo https://forum.sinusbot.com/threads/sinusbot-installer-script.1200/. Non una PN o una recensione errata, poiché si tratta di un errore del sistema non dello script di installazione. Linea 931.
Which OS?
Hm? Did you meant which commands are used to start/stop/restart the bot?Commands to Restart, Stop, Start.
Have a look at your README in your sinusbot installation...
It could be with systemd "service sinusbot start/stop/restart" or init.d "/etc/init.d/sinusbot start/stop/restart".
Which OS?Comment résoudre cette erreur?
Command which failed was: " su -c "$LOCATION/sinusbot" $SINUSBOTUSER". Please try to execute it manually and attach the output to the bug report in the forum thread.
If it still doesn't work report this to the author at https://forum.sinusbot.com/threads/sinusbot-installer-script.1200/ only. Not a PN or a bad review, cause this is an error of your system not of the installer script. Line 1087