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Automatic Server Group Assigner

Automatic Server Group Assigner 1.4.3

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Automatic Server Group Assigner

A small and simple script that adds or removes server groups to every user joining a specific channel.
You can configure multiple channels to check. If needed you can exclude users that have a specific server group to ever get assigned/removed any server groups.
Also allows to add or remove additional server groups when another server group gets assigned/removed to a Client.


Feedback or suggestions are welcome.

==This Script was requested by Mike Lundberg==
First release
Last update


4.56 star(s) 18 ratings

More resources from Tuetchen

Latest updates

  1. Automatic Server Group Assigner 1.4.3

    Fixed a small logging bug
  2. Automatic Server Group Assigner 1.4.2

    Now with 100% less bugs.... maybe Changed to OKlib =>...
  3. Automatic Server Group Assigner 1.3

    Added Option to ignore moved Clients

Latest reviews

Only issue is groups are not assigned if a user is moved to a channel rather than moving themselves, other than that it works great
Just what i was looking for, works perfect
Works excellent. Thanks for your great script.
Eine gute bewertung ist das Mindeste. Danke!

ich finde das Script echt gut
Leider erkennt der Bot anscheinend nicht, ob ein Query bot eine Gruppe zuweist/entfernt. Wäre cool wenn man da was machen könnte.

Dafür gibt es keine Möglichkeit meines Wissens, außer man würde manuell Query Bot UID etc irgendwie hinterlegen
Geiles Script, funktioniert Supper!
Awsome! Works 100% for me. Finally i can work on other things than giving everyone a ServerGroup
2018-05-28T12:34:08+05:00 OKlib :90 clientServerGroupAddToGroups: Provided no Group to add

But The Group provided
The script doesn't work for me.
It loads and everything but when I go into the channel I can't get rid of the rank. Please give me a little direction. Thanks =)
Sorry for my bad English!
Wohl nicht die lib installiert.
Fantastic i use to set push to talk in public
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