• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. O

    After TS3-Update: version problem?

    Hello everybody. As already mentioned in many posts, the update of the TS3 server currently ensures that some can no longer use their SinusBot. In most cases this is probably due to the kernel version of the server itself. Now my question, am I also affected by this? If I see that correctly...
  2. TheSebaPL

    I have a problem

    Becouse send me: 2019-07-24T11:41:38+02:00 TS>/opt/sinusbot/teamspeak3-client/ts3client_linux_amd64: error while loading shared libraries: libXss.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory and I do not know why the ts server I do not have on this VPS because I could not...
  3. F

    Lizenz für mehrere Server?

    Hallo, seit einigen Monaten habe ich den Donor Rang. Nun zu meiner Frage: Ist es möglich eine Lizenz zu bekommen die es erlaubt die Bots auf verschiedene Server zu schicken ? Ich würde sie benötigen um unser Radio auf andere Server zu bringen. Es wäre schön, wenn es gehen würde, da ich Sinusbot...
  4. I

    TS3 World of Tanks Server Population 0.0.1

    Simple script to set the description of a nominated channel to show the server population of a selected region[ru,na,eu,asia] of World of Tanks. Requires a Wargaming API Key from https://developers.wargaming.net/ Bot must have permissions to edit channels in TS Can set region, update period and...
  5. Multivitamin

    TS3 SinusChat 0.0.1

    What is the "SinusChat"? The SinusChat allows you to connect the Channel Chat of multiple Sinusbots (even when they run on completely different TeamSpeak Servers together, the chat communicates via TCP/IP so it does not matter where the Server you connect to runs on. Basic Commands for...
  6. F

    TS3 ServerGroup Assignment Notifier 1.1

    Plays an audio track when a servergroup is assigned. Multiple servergroups may be tracked Does not pause/resume music (may be added in future release) May or may not work on discord (untested)
  7. Herobr1ne

    Solved SinusBot (tsclient) quit

    Betriebssystem: Debian 8 SinusBot Version: 0.9.2 TS3 Version: Hallo, Ich habe das Problem das mein SinusBot nicht auf meinen Teamspeak connecten will. Der Teamspeak Server läuft auf dem Gleichen Server ( Linux/Debian 8, 10 cores, 50GB Ram, 1,5TB Speicher(HDD)). Benutze PuTTY für die...
  8. Froust

    won't fix Could not contact update server

    Operating System: Debian SinusBot Version: 0.9.x TS3 Version: 3.x.x Problem Description Hello My server is located in Uzbekistan, and eternal internet is very expensive (about 5$ for 128kbit/s and you will get only 1gb traffic), and I'm asking, is there any opportunity to disable that update...
  9. S

    won't fix Autostart with Windows?

    Hey guys. So i installed sinusbot yesterday without any problems on my Windows Server (2016,Datacenter). I normaly use nssm for dealing with service autostart/stop so i tried using nssm for sinusbot but unfortunatly sinusbot crashes once the service starts running. Are there any parameters...
  10. Diesmon

    TS3 Server Rules 1.2

    This script will message everyone who connects to your server with the rules you added/made. You can choose between a Channelmode (only message user when they join a specific channel) or Servermode. So it will message everyone regardless in which channel they connect. You can also activate the...
  11. VJean

    Feature get/set VirtualServerProperties

    Hello. In client plugin SDK exist code for get/set information about Server (VirtualServerProperties/getServerVariableAs***): Has who get this information in sinus javascript?
  12. gaggibolle

    Sinusbot mutes itself on a headless PC when not connected to TeamViewer

    Hi there. Sinusbot works perfectly for me. I use it on a Win10 PC that is always on (and also hosts a TS server). The thing is that this machine is headless, meaning no monitor etc. Every time I disconnect TeamViewer Sinusbot mutes itself. I think this has to do with the fact that the machine...
  13. kapabac

    WoWS server online status 2.1

    All peace and good! :) I present to you a simple script made on request of the user forum Itow and the qualified support of two respected members of this forum Xuxe and maxibanki. A script displays with a certain interval in the selected channel name, status of the gameserver and the number of...
  14. Slluxx

    Make bot "chat" in different channel or disable sound notification

    WINDOWS Hi, first of all: you did a nice job with sinusbot. Its really cool, easy to use and just works like charm! Now to my "problem": We dont have a "music" channel. Were switching Alfred (thats how we called him) around the channel if we need him. I am using the function to tell the...
  15. A

    DE [Script Request] Ruhe Bot

    Hallo, ich wolle eine Bot machen der wenn man ihn mit !ruhe on anschreibt dass er dann einen rang vergibt und bei !ruhe off diesen wieder wegnimmt. Dies soll aber nur funktionieren wenn der User mindestens Verifiziert ist. kenne mich leider nicht sehr gut mit JS aus. ~ Andre
  16. irgendwr

    TS3 Uptimerobot - Server Status/Uptime Monitoring 3.0.2

    Informs you about the status of a server configured on uptimerobot.com Installation: Download the script and put it in the scripts folder where the SinusBot is installed Restart the SinusBot Go to uptimerobot.com, make an account, add a new monitor and generate a monitor specific API key in...
  17. EinfachNurMarc

    Bug xinit: connection to x server lost

    Hello, since a few months i have a vServer with my TS3 and Sinusbot, since 1 Month, sinusbot is crashing after a few hours with: xinit connetion to x server lost I only found threds about "sinusbot dont start" but it starts and chrashes after some hours. Pls help me! mfg, marc
  18. TGTGamer

    Tutorial MEDIUM | Access to the bot interface | Port Forwarding & Changing ports to allow access to the UI

    ### English ### Hey guys, as promised, in this tutorial I'm going to briefly explain how to port forward your bot to allow other users to access it's UI. I will also teach you how to change your port, if you already use it for something else, or want something easier to remember. Please note...
  19. J

    Sinusbot Autostart Script

    Hallo, ich habe ein problem, undzwar: ich hätte es gerne so das der Sinsubot automatisch Neustartet wenn mein VServer crasht. Ich benutze die 0.9.9 und Linux Debain 8 64 Bit :) Bitte um hilfe :D
  20. DurtyFree

    Winner #MLGi | Multi Lemon Gaming - Community

    TS3Index: #MLGi | Multi Lemon Gaming Community TSViewer: #MLGi | Multi Lemon Gaming Community GameTracker: #MLGi | Multi Lemon Gaming Community Steam Group: #MLGi on Steam Website: #MLGi Home TS3 IP: ts.mlgi.eu We are an german community, started us a small group of up to 10 people, now at ~75...
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