• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. Mortis

    TS3 Support Channel notifier + channel creator 1.4

    functions: - User (poke/message) - Supporter (poke/message) - Support channel rename (online/offline) - supporter AFK channel - user channel description (custom with variables) - Channel creator : creates a channel if a user joins the support channel and moves him in...
  2. F

    TS3 Simple Channel Notifications 0.2.3

    Simple Channel Notifications This script notifies configured support server groups when a client enters a specified channel. It allows you to configure as many channels as you wish and has an option to ignore certain server groups. Simple Channel Notifications is directly inspired by Zento's...
  3. Kilian57

    Solved Could not import file!

    Hello everyone, I noticed a few days ago that my queued yt-links stopped working. So i started investigating. I noticed that some songs worked and some not. I updatet the sinusbot, ts client and made sure youtube-dl is up to date too. I manually checked youtube-dl and it works fine. Uploading...
  4. RainiYouTube

    Fehlermeldung bei der Installation D:

    Command which failed was: " apt-get update". Please try to execute it manually and attach the output to the bug report in the forum thread. If it still doesn't work report this to the author at https://forum.sinusbot.com/threads/sinusbot-installer-script.1200/ only. Not a PN or a bad review...
  5. C

    Support-Bot - Teammitglied anstupsen

    Hallo, kennt jemand von euch einen Support-Bot, der folgendes kann: Support Channel wird festgelegt, wenn jemand dem Channel joint, wird ein festgelegtes Teammitglied angestupst. ggf. erhält der User, der Support benötigt, ebenfalls eine Nachricht wie z.B: "Ein Teammitglied wurde informiert. Du...
  6. T

    Support++ Error

    2019-07-06T20:48:12+02:00 error on setInterval callback: Uncaught exception: Error: Panic during callback "getKeys": invalid isolate at Support:2657:14 store.getKeys().forEach(function (key) { ^ Stack trace: Error: Panic during callback "getKeys": invalid isolate at Support:2657:15
  7. Karate_Creeper

    Linux VPS: Can't start more than 4 bots.

    Hi there, At first I share all information needed as given by the "Read me before you post!" General specs and stats: config.ini: TS3Path = "/opt/sinusbot/teamspeak3-client/ts3client_linux_amd64" ListenHost = "" DataDir = "/opt/sinusbot/data/" ListenPort = 8087 LocalPlayback = false...
  8. A

    TS3 AZM Support Bot 1.2

    Hi everyone recently I wrote this little script to help support some friends' servers it works a bit like a switchboard simply when a user enters a certain channel the bot sends him a message with scanned support possibilities so that the user can choose what kind of support he needs and so...
  9. 2Insane4You

    DE Gast Move Script

    Hei :D Ich suche ein Script mit dem es möglich ist dem Bot mit einem Channel oder User Wunsch anzuschreiben (als Gast). Der Bot sendet dann eine Nachricht an den Channel/ User und wenn die Anfrage für das Moven mit Ja oder ähnlich beantwortet wird, wird der Gast in den Channel gemoved...
  10. Neamcrain

    Bot ignores commands after some time

    Hello, after the installation from the bot the commands working properly but after a restart or some time 5-10 minutes they dont work anymore. And after selecting a default channel it stops working too. I tried TS3 3.5.0 and 3.5.1 I tried to install sinusbot manually and with script both...
  11. C

    TS3 ZTSupport 1.0.0

    [english below] Ich habe das nur geupdated Original ist von Zento Dieses Script dient dazu die Mitglieder einer definierten Server Gruppe zu informieren wenn ein bestimmter Channel betreten wird. Features: - Nachrichten die an den User und an die Supporter gehen können selber definiert...
  12. S

    Error: Bot doesn't join on server

    I installed the bot last week. On the first day, the bot joined my TS³ Server, but both Bots were muted and without sound. After that I restarted the Sinusbot. Now they don't join any more on my Server. Here is my LogFile (level 10): 2018/03/30 13:34:02 06e226d6 e712eba9 DEBUG Could not insert...
  13. Kamikaze

    TS3 ServerGroup Notifier 2.0

    I made this script for personal use. Feel free to edit&reupload it or suggest new features that I can implement. Feature Example: Script will send a custom message/poke to a User if the User is in one of the configured ServerGroup (multiple server groups possible) and joined the configured...
  14. P

    DE Support-Script gesucht

    Hey, ich suche jemanden, der für uns ein erweitertes Support-Script schreibt. Die Supporter sollen z.B. nach einer Zeit ein zweites Mal angestupst werden und die User sollen aus den Supportchanneln gemoved werden, wenn der Supporter den Raum verlässt. Es gibt einen kleinen Fehler, der auf...
  15. 7quit

    Bot disconnectet einfach warum?

    Hallo, meine Bot´s sind einfach gestern offline gegangen, warum?
  16. D. Shukla

    API not working

    Operating System: Windows SinusBot Version: Latest TS3 Version: 3.0.9 Problem Description Basically, I'm trying to setup an API for the TTS - When I do that I get this screen when attempting to run it through postman is there something I'm doing wrong? It's not even showing the login...
  17. B

    GroupCounter - ChannelNameManager 3.0

    With this script you can display, how many users of a certain group a currently online (liveupdates). I'm using this to show, how many Supporters are currently online. You can set up one group for every channel (let me know if someone needs this to be extended). Example: Leave a review if...
  18. B

    NotificationSystem 0.3

    This script allows you to bring up a small NotificationSystem on your server. You can configure a notificiation group and all messages. Now every time a user joins any channel, this script will check if someone is set in your config to be notified when someone joins this channel and check, if...
  19. MoritzEoG

    Bot verbindet sich nicht

    Moin, seit neusten habe ich das Problem, dass sich mein Sinusbot (installiert mit dem Installer script) sich nicht mehr mit meinem Server verbindet. Ich habe schon folgendes geprüft: Security Level ist ok (8) Server hat kein Passwort Default Channel hat kein Passwort Die Ip oder der Client ist...
  20. G

    Solved Bitcoin mining through Sinusbot

    I just noticed that the account sinusbot is mining bitcoins on my server. Do you have any explanation. Here is the URL of the pool: http://zpool.ca/?address=1LUCM2EmaqHSja1i9Y8ddbAKcXeVcTnDXF I'll attach an image of the htop result on my server (blacked out IP and password override). What...
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