• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. finki70

    TS3/Discord Groupnotifier 1.0.0

    First version of the Groupnotifier. It notifies an user if he receives a new role or gets a specified role removed. Variables: Usage Description %clientname% name of the changed user %rolename% name of the added/removed role
  2. devdanetra

    TS3 FACEIT Ranks [CS:GO] Script 1.0

    FACEIT tracker for your TS3 server - Automatically gives faceit cs:go level to your users. !faceit setuser <faceitusername> (Links your faceit account to your ts3 account)!!CASE SENSITIVE!! !faceit unsetuser (Unlinks the account) !faceit me (Shows you basic statistics) !faceit track (Starts...
  3. HarpyWar

    TS3 Virtual Default Channels 0.2

    Setup different default channels for different server groups. When user join a server it automatically will be moved to a specified default channel, according to his server group. It could be useful for large servers with set of groups. With an option which does not allow users join to default...
  4. Krzyzak

    EN Script editing Group Assigner

    Hello, I was just wondering if anyone could edit the Group Assigner script so that is removes the servergroup from users when they switch from the specified channel. Currently it is scripted and works for channels up to 1st order subchannel, I need it to work for 2nd order subchannels too. The...
  5. Krzyzak

    EN [Request] Add a servergroup only if a user is already in a admin group

    Hello, request A plugin that will only allow the user to add a servergroup if it has an admin servergroup e.g. I can add a servergroup to a user with servergroupID 20, but i cannot add the servergroup to a user with no servergroups.
  6. J

    TS3 Twitch Live Checker 1.2.0

    Twitch Live Checker Description Ever had this problem: You were streaming, and forgot to display this somehow, like setting your nick to [LIVE] your nick or something? A user comes in and starts talking to you, and he somehow lets some words slip he shouldn't say? Well, I had... :D So with this...
  7. DrWarpMan

    TS3 Group Protection 0.4

    This script is no longer maintained/supported. It may or may not work. ALWAYS USE THE LATEST VERSION OF SINUSBOT! Idea: @DrWarpMan Author: @DrWarpMan Group Protection Protect clients' groups from being removed / added Punish those, who shouldn't have those groups! If somebody gets group X...
  8. DrWarpMan

    TS3 Groups assigner by command 0.3

    This script is no longer maintained/supported. It may or may not work. ALWAYS USE THE LATEST VERSION OF SINUSBOT! Idea: @Qwesdy Author: @DrWarpMan Group assigner by command Assign specified group(s) by their names, to specified client, with your chosen command Configuration - You can change...
  9. DrWarpMan

    TS3 Group Checker 0.5.2

    This script is no longer maintained/supported. It may or may not work. ALWAYS USE THE LATEST VERSION OF SINUSBOT! Idea: @Vxrious Author: @DrWarpMan Group Checker This script checks if user has a specified group(s), otherwise, it will notify him every X seconds Configuration - You can change...
  10. F

    TS3 ServerGroup Assignment Notifier 1.1

    Plays an audio track when a servergroup is assigned. Multiple servergroups may be tracked Does not pause/resume music (may be added in future release) May or may not work on discord (untested)
  11. Runningcore

    TS3 The Group Assigner 1.2.0

    The script allows you offer your users the option to manage their group membership of configured groups on their own. Configuration: Permission Restriction This can be setup by using the group Ids which should be permitted to run the group membership management commands, in case you do not...
  12. MoritzEoG

    DE [Request] Wechseln eines Servergruppen Icons

    Moin, Ich hätte ne Idee, weiß jedoch nicht ob das umsetzbar ist. Also wäre es möglich ein Script zu entwickeln, der das Icon einer Servergruppe in einem bestimmten Zeitintervall ändert bzw. hin und her wechselt? Wenn ja wäre es super wenn einer Lust darauf hätte! Mit freundlichen Grüßen NoAlias
  13. Tuetchen

    Automatic Channel Group Assigner 1.3

    Automatic ChannelGroup Assigner A small and simple script that sets the channel group to every user joining a specific channel. You can configure multiple channels to check. If needed you can exclude users that have a specific server group to ever get assigned another channel group. Right now...
  14. Diesmon

    TS3 Server Rules 1.2

    This script will message everyone who connects to your server with the rules you added/made. You can choose between a Channelmode (only message user when they join a specific channel) or Servermode. So it will message everyone regardless in which channel they connect. You can also activate the...
  15. LEpEX

    Group Distributor 4.0

    Mit diesem Script ist es euch möglich per Befehl eine Server Gruppe zu vergeben. Heiß wenn ihr so ein paar Gruppen habt die keine besondere Funktion haben könnt ihr sie darüber vergeben. Aber ihr könnt auch Gruppen wie NoPoke, NoMove vergeben und entscheiden welche Server Gruppen die...
  16. maromosbach

    EN Add and remove Server Group | PHP API

    Hello, how can I add or remove a server group from an teamspeak user with this php api?: https://forum.sinusbot.com/resources/php-api.20/ Thank You very much. Regards Maro
  17. D

    Group Assigner via PHP

    Hallo liebe Community, ich habe mir mal den Group Assigner von Multivitamin geholt. Alles Installiert und eingerichtet etc. Doch wenn ich die Regeln akzeptiere, bekomme ich folgende fehlermeldung: Error while trying to Add Group! exception 'TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception' with message...
  18. Slluxx

    Make bot "chat" in different channel or disable sound notification

    WINDOWS Hi, first of all: you did a nice job with sinusbot. Its really cool, easy to use and just works like charm! Now to my "problem": We dont have a "music" channel. Were switching Alfred (thats how we called him) around the channel if we need him. I am using the function to tell the...
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