• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


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Server Management für World of Tanks Clans _maddiboy
Dies ist ein Management-Script für World of Tanks Clans
Sending groups (id) sorted by i_group_sort_id
Automated Header Groups Relentless
Will automatically assign or remove header groups if the client has at least one trigger group.
Staff List Relentless
TS3 Staff List 1.10.5
Will automatically keep track of the online status of staff members to display it in a channel.
Holiday Groups Relentless
Will automatically assign servergroups on specific days.
Automated Servergroups Relentless
Will automatically assign or remove servergroups on specific events.
Twitch Live Checker J
Server Group and Info Channel for Live-Streaming TS-Clients
Online Clients Record [+POPULATION STATISTICS] DrWarpMan
Show the most online clients record in a channel name and population statistics in it's description!
!find takes into account the teamspeak character limit (8192 characters)
Searches for playlists. Optionally based on a simple search string.
DayZ SA Server Information Viewer Yumigawa
Shows information from the DayZ Standalone Server, with special features
TrackHistory CubE135
A Sinusbot Script that keeps a history of all played tracks displayed in a beautiful Webinterface
Reconnect Lala Sabathil
Auto-Reconnect Script with optional infinity option
Discord Voice State Lala Sabathil
Returns the voice state for an user
Vote Script für TS3 - Deutsch HerzblutGamer
Starte auf deinem Server Umfragen und lass User darauf reagieren
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