• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


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Disk usage
49.4 MB
group, notify, groupadd, groupremove
YouTube Like MauriceR
Add Like/Dislike buttons to messages with YouTube links
Custom Join Sounds Pringus
Play a custom sound for each defined user or group. Supports UID, nickname, and servergroups.
CoverLoader [Radio Station Support] KeksGauner
This script will automatically use the Deezer API to search online for cover arts.
Support Channel notifier + channel creator Mortis
Automatically opens a channel for your user and moves him in!
Decidometer helps you when you cant decide yourself
Gives ServerGroups for voting on teamspeak-servers.org
Display Music in Channel Description Akutasan
This script enables you to display your Music (Artist and Title) in your Channel description.
Watch2Gether link generator C
Watch2Gether link generator
Group After Days DrWarpMan
Gives specified server group(s), after specified amount of days from the first connection
Source RCON Query Tuetchen
Allows controlling of a server with the source rcon protocol
SinusBot Language Spanish Alberto Lara
SinusBot Spanish Language File - Translated by AlienigenaGamer
Simple Channel Notifications F
Sends notifications to configured server groups when a client joins a channel
Simple Channel Creator F
Automatically creates channels when needed
Steam Status DrWarpMan
Shows Steam status of a pre-configured Steam users in a specified channels
Private Channel Manager Tuetchen
Creates channels for each user entering a specified lobby and sets him as channel owner
Block all AntiMove Plugins
Anti-Solitary-Clients TwentyFour
Move or punish solitary clients (being alone in a channel) after a specific time.
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