• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. V

    EN what is the 'yt-stream' equivalent in api calls?

    Hey there, I have written some code for operating sinusbot from within homeassistant. I am already successful in controling playback and playing urls or track-ids. But last but not least I wanted to implement playing an url with the use of youtube-dl / yt-dlp. The API docs include a "plugin"...
  2. B

    Solved Youtube-DL slow download fix.

    Hello there, I have used sinusbot for years on several servers. (linux and windows based) From time to time, I had very strange behavior when using the bot together with 'youtube-dl'. A view days ago, it happend again, my youtube-dl was not working correctly. It did cut off longer videos at...
  3. Egz

    youtube-dl problem

    Hello, I have installed sinusbot to my local computer and downloaded youtube-dl. https://sinusbot.github.io/docs/youtube-dl/ I set to path youtube-dl to C:\Sinusbot. But it still doesn't work. I tried some other youtube-dl forks but none of them works. Can you help me please? I'm thinking...
  4. hymk53

    Sinusbot is found music from youtube but not playing ?

    Hi, I use YouTube script. I do send command "!yt xxx", Sinusbot's saying "XXX MUSIC FOUND PLAYING..." but not playing. Where is the problem ? I try other server but didn't work. Sorry, my english is bad.
  5. SrMathew

    No suena la canción al poner el .!youtube / The song does not sound when the !Youtube

    Hola, de un día para otro me dejo de sonar las canciones con el !youtube, he reiniciado los bots, los he dejado 2 días sin usar y siguen sin funcionar, el bot aparece que el mensaje de que va a sonar pero la cancion no se escucha, uso el Youtube Search Hello, from one day to the next I stop...
  6. B

    Solved Youtube: Bot not playing music anymore/only certain links work

    So the bot only plays certain songs: <00:08:06> "banananex": !yt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeqWYegk5Ds <00:08:15> "banananex": !yt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3y0fo5Xee4w <00:08:24> "banananex": !yt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aI3yNckfSvU <00:08:34> "banananex": !yt...
  7. Nocturnal_Toker

    Sinusbot + YoutubeWebInterface - Error help :)

    We where using the bot ourselves a few hours ago no issues then randomly it just stopped working. I have tried a server restart, a program restart. I removed the script started the bot and then reinstalled the script and restarted it and still nothing. Can anyone shed some light on what this...
  8. I

    Problems with youtube-dl

    Hello, i have problems playing playlist added with the youtube playlist link, and i cant play music/download youtube music so i think the problem is with the youtube-dl! this is not the first time I'm having this problem, pls help! Sinusbot diagnostic RESULTS...
  9. Mavi

    Solved Youtube-DL not working.

    EDIT: I just tried to fiddle with the config again and removing the path to the youtube-dl worked (not sure what the problem was but it works now without an issue. Ooops) Hello, I freshly installed new Sinusbot, and downloaded the latest Youtube-DL, but every time I use the !yt or !ytdl...
  10. Holt

    Solved [Sinusbot-Alpha] Youtube-DL wird nicht mehr erkannt

    Einen wunderschönen Guten Abend, Ich habe von Flyth die Sinusbot-Alpha-Version bekommen. Diese habe ich einmal als Neuinstallation bekommen und einmal geupdated. Nun bekomme ich folgende Fehlermeldung im Log: 2019/01/13 20:50:21 [GENERAL/YTDL ] INFO youtube-dl checking... 2019/01/13...
  11. M

    Solved Youtube-dl "File format not recognized"

    I'm running the latest version of Sinusbot with the latest version of youtube-dl under a Debian 9 x64 VM. It's all working great, except for one thing, and that's the youtube downloader. It says "file format not recognized" when i try to download a song from youtube, why is this? The logs don't...
  12. C

    Solved youtube-dl bei einigen videos nicht möglich (ERROR: Signature extraction failed)

    Hey, also bis eben ging alles ohne Probleme, jetzt kommt der Fehler http://prntscr.com/krsmxw Weiter hinten steht man soll doch die aktuelle Version davon nutzen, allerdings ist die Version aktuell Hab den Bot bereits komplett neuinstalliert etc. nichts hilft.
  13. G

    Solved youtube-dl fails on some music videos (Signature extraction failed)

    Hello I'm having a yt-dl bug from when I go to! Download failed for https/www.youtube.com/watch?v=bW0cLEFkSlE; exit status 1 I downloaded several yt dl and I do not know how to fix this bug is appears this for min la in the panel http://prntscr.com/je4kaw
  14. C

    youtube-dl isn't working

    My issue: I installed sinusbot on my vps earlier today on ubuntu 16 64 bit but the bots didn't spawn at all so I changed to OS Debian Jesse. Here the bots did work apart from YT-DL. When I put !yt it gives me the following error: youtube-dl download failed (check youtube-dl). When I try to...
  15. Zkitzo

    Solved YouTube playlist all tracks a 0:00 (0 min 0 seconds)

    Operating System: Ubuntu Zesty (17.04) SinusBot Version: 0.9.21-87a90ce TS3 Version: YouTube-dl version: 2017.08.27.1 Problem Description Describe your problem in detail. What did you do exactly, what did you expect to happen and what did actually happen? Sinusbot can't play any track...
  16. NayronFX

    Solved Playlist don't play

    Hello, i am totally lost right now, i installed the Sinusbot using the featured Installscript from this Website everything is working without any Problems, BUT Adding a Playlist doesn't work, i can create a Playlist but i doesn't add any Songs in the Webinterface it just says "PLAYLISTNAME" (0)...
  17. B

    YouTube-DL nicht verfügbar, selbst mit richtiger Config Angabe

    Hallo Forum, ich habe ein Problem mit YouTube-DL, aber zuvor hier mein Setup. - ESXi 6.5 VM mit Debian 9.1 auf einem HP ProLiant DL380 G6 - 512MB RAM / 8GB Festplatte und 2 Cores. - TeamSpeak Linux 64 Bit - SinusBot Version von heute (13.08.2017) Keine Ahnung wie sich die Version...
  18. SyriasSerj

    YTDL "file not found" on Windows 10

    Operating System: Windows 10 64bit SinusBot Version: TS3 Version: Problem Description As many has posted, I've been through this with some videos I tried playing through the plugin, and some random videos aren't being played while some other are playing fine. I thought it was...
  19. B


    Als erstes möchte ich mal mein Lob an alle diejenigen aussprechen die bei der Entwicklung des Bots etwas beitragen und den Bot zu dem gemacht haben was er heute ist! Der Bot ist wirklich super gut und funktioniert extrem smooth, auch die Auswahl der Skripte und die Art wie sie funktionieren ist...
  20. Kamikaze

    Lieder werden übersprungen

    Betriebssystem: Windows Server 2012 R2 SinusBot Version: 0.9.16-34aebc2 TS3 Version: Config.ini: Harware: - CPU: Intel Xeon E5-2683 v3 2GHz (2 Prozessoren) - RAM: 2GB CPU ist kaum ausgelastet, RAM liegt meist bei 70-80% Instanz-Log: Problembeschreibung Bei meinem Bot sind mehrer...
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