• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. B

    NotificationSystem 0.3

    This script allows you to bring up a small NotificationSystem on your server. You can configure a notificiation group and all messages. Now every time a user joins any channel, this script will check if someone is set in your config to be notified when someone joins this channel and check, if...
  2. iamcYtrox

    YouTube-Playlist || Bot changes song after some time.

    Hey guys, First of all I'd like to say, that I really love this bot and the project. It got so much features and everybody on the teamspeak loves to use it. Lately I tried to use the youtube-playlist feature. I converted my Spotify playlist into a youtube playlist and added it with the use of...
  3. Zkitzo

    Solved YouTube playlist all tracks a 0:00 (0 min 0 seconds)

    Operating System: Ubuntu Zesty (17.04) SinusBot Version: 0.9.21-87a90ce TS3 Version: YouTube-dl version: 2017.08.27.1 Problem Description Describe your problem in detail. What did you do exactly, what did you expect to happen and what did actually happen? Sinusbot can't play any track...
  4. NayronFX

    Solved Playlist don't play

    Hello, i am totally lost right now, i installed the Sinusbot using the featured Installscript from this Website everything is working without any Problems, BUT Adding a Playlist doesn't work, i can create a Playlist but i doesn't add any Songs in the Webinterface it just says "PLAYLISTNAME" (0)...
  5. olokos

    Youtube search Sorry, nothing found

    Hi, I recently reinstalled everything on my server from scratch, yet I can't get Youtube search plugin to work at all. https://forum.sinusbot.com/resources/youtube-search.56/ I'm talking about this script by @NT5 ========================================================== SINUSBOT RELATED...
  6. Jumpy

    YouTube & Twitch Livestream im Bot

    Hallo zusammen, wird es eventuell in absehbarer Zeit möglich sein über unseren geliebten SinusBot YouTube und Twitch Livestreams abzuspielen? Es geht mir nicht um das Bild sondern nur um den Ton, denn es gibt zahlreiche 'Radios' die 'nur' einen solchen Livestream haben. Mit freundlichen...
  7. Dotty

    EN [SOLVED][API] add url and download

    Hi, I'm writing a script that given a Youtube url get the mp3 file (this part il done, I have an api pointing to the mp3 file url given the Youtube link) and here is my problem: I want sinusbot to download this file and add it to the list. But this api end-point...
  8. J

    Solved Youtube playlists

    pls make that you can add youtube video and youtube playlists so i dont have to download evry videos musik just put in the url and than he plays it and the same with a playlist so i just create a playlist and the sinusbot plays it
  9. Knackrack615

    !search / !play for YouTube playlists

    Hello, it would be really useful if you could use !search and !play for Youtube playlists I'm sure many people would appreciate that :) (Yes ive seen some posts for stuff similar to this but they're really old and without replies)
  10. Y

    Feature Download while adding youtube playlist

    From the web interface. I can't tell which files were uploaded and which files are links which gets downloaded at every play. It would be nice to be able to distinguish them. In addition, it would be nice to be able to convert a link into a file, vice versa. For example I may want to download...
  11. Zkitzo

    Add youtube playlist through bot !command

    Hi, Simple question, is it possible to add a YouTube Playlist through a command? Like: !addplaylist <playlist name> <youtubeplaylist url> If not, is there a plugin which does this? Thanks
  12. vincolus

    TS3 SyncWatch 1.4-1

    INTRO HOWTO FEATURES COMMANDS TASKS Again, please report bugs! Thanks! Bitte bringt mir alle eure Käfer. Vielen Dank!
  13. Kamikaze

    Lieder werden übersprungen

    Betriebssystem: Windows Server 2012 R2 SinusBot Version: 0.9.16-34aebc2 TS3 Version: Config.ini: Harware: - CPU: Intel Xeon E5-2683 v3 2GHz (2 Prozessoren) - RAM: 2GB CPU ist kaum ausgelastet, RAM liegt meist bei 70-80% Instanz-Log: Problembeschreibung Bei meinem Bot sind mehrer...
  14. ravage007

    some help with the play list

    so I was in a TeamSpeak server where you could do a whole YouTube playlist to play but I just installed this bot on my server and no it's the same bot and will not work any help ty
  15. F

    Feature YouTube Auto-Play

    Hallo allerseits, Da ich zurzeit meine Musik im Browser mittels YouTube Autoplay höre (um ein paar unbekannte Titel zu hören), dachte ich mir, dass der Bot diese Funktion auch vertragen könnte. Man würde also beispielsweise !ytap https://youtube.com/watch?wadweißichwasjetztkommt an den Bot...
  16. C

    Feature Vorschlag: Direktes Eintragen von Stream-URLs ermöglichen

    Hallo sinusbot-Community! Ich betreibe ein (leider noch) kleines Servernetzwerk, und möchte gerne Streams wie zum Beispiel Monstercat FM oder andere nicht gelistete Radiosender direkt über die Stream-URL auf dem Sinusbot wiedergeben lassen. Problem bei MonsterCat FM: Es ist nur über Twitch und...
  17. SmallPox

    YouTube said in den chat ausgeben.

    Hallo, ich wollte fragen ob es möglich ist, ein Plugin zu schreiben oder vielleicht hat einer eins schon. Sobald ein Video nicht verfügbar ist, das er den Error in den Chat ausgibt. z.b YouTube said: Unfortunately, this video is not available in your country because it could contain music from...
  18. Majcon

    EN Sinusbot youtube-dl

    Hello I installed sinusbota and in addition to his youtube-dl but unfortunately when trying to download music from the disc pops up error https://scr.hu/pM4JOn Plugin rather reads youtube-dl checking ... 2016/07/13 3:24:41 p.m. [GENERAL / YTDL] INFO youtube-dl version compatible, support...
  19. MartinS

    Feature TS Chat Command for Youtube Download without Playing the Song

    What I would like to see implemented is a Chat command which downloads a Song from Youtube like !ytdl but without playing it right away.
  20. BadassOverlord

    Bug Youtube-dl playlist import not working correctly

    I found a bug with youtube dl. When I create a new playlist and use the playlist import feature (where you paste a youtube playlist link), the songs get imported, however, the name is not auto set, you can't queue the song from the playlist, and the folder is not created in root of "all music"...
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