• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


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49.4 MB
Telegram Bot irgendwr
  • Featured
Responds to Telegram commands like `/status` and `/playing`.
Genders selector devdanetra
Let your users choose their gender and gives selected gender group
FACEIT Ranks [CS:GO] Script devdanetra
Statistics , rank tracker and more.
Virtual Default Channels HarpyWar
Setup different default channels for different server groups
Online Clients in Server Name DrWarpMan
Shows amount of maximum and currently online clients in server name
League Of Legends Rankify Frizzant
Get the LoL rank automatically for each user and add the correct Server Group
This script will move the bot to a default channel when no music is playing for the specified time
Lauftext / Ticker + API Support [outdated] Timo
Erstellt einen Lauftext auf Channelbasis / Creates a ticker as a channelname.
This Script will simply stop a HTTP(S) stream when something is in the queue
Gives you ServerGroups depending of your age given with a command!
Auto Server Group add on join HerrSammy
Automatically adds a server group when a user joins the server, including ignoring server groups.
Online Members Count DrWarpMan
Shows status and count of a specified members in a specified channel
allow user to send move request
RankSync Nisutec
Synchronisiere deine Teamspeak Ränge mit einer Datenbank.
Change Description G
Change the Description of the Bot
Group Checker DrWarpMan
Checks if user has a specified group, otherwise, it will notify him every X seconds
Bag of Dice Lukas Westholt
Roll as many dice you want of 2 sides or more!
Digital Clock LosTigeros
  • Featured
4-line Digital Clock
SinusBot Language Polish Leon@rdo
polish sinusbot translate language
auto message groups when Clients join a channel
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