• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


Scripts that do housekeeping and automate your daily needs

Top resources

  • Auto Channel Creator
    Auto Channel Creator
    Created automatically when channels needed
    • Filtik
    • Updated:
  • AntiProxy [Block Proxies/VPNs] Say goodbye to ban evading
    TS3 AntiProxy [Block Proxies/VPNs] Say goodbye to ban evading
    Detects and blocks Proxies and VPNs commonly used to evade a ban. A must have for your TeamSpeak.
    • xDefcon
    • Updated:
  • Staff List
    TS3 Staff List
    Will automatically keep track of the online status of staff members to display it in a channel.
    • Relentless
    • Updated:
  • Steam User Query
    Steam User Query
    Gives Information about the current status of a Steam User by assigning a Server Group
    • Tuetchen
    • Updated:
  • Automatic Server Group Assigner
    Automatic Server Group Assigner
    Automatically assigns a ServerGroup when a user joins a specific channel or gets another ServerGroup
    • Tuetchen
    • Updated:

Trending resources

RLNT Only one of them Relentless
Will automatically remove servergroups so the user has only one group of a given pool.
Avatar banner for and with Sinusbot Filtik
Automatic avatar banner for and with Sinusbot.
TS3 ZTSupport 1.0.0
SupportChannel with ServerGroup Support
Bad Nickname Check Multivitamin
Checks for Bad Nicknames on the Server and uses Regex Validation
This plugin [adds / remove] servergroup(s) [to / from] users when they get one group of a given pool
Servergroup Switcher Everlike
Removes a specific servergroup if another specific one has been given!
Star Trek Online - Server Status Filtik
Show Star Trek Online Server Status on Channel
CountryManager Runningcore
Offers you options to manage your users based on their country with manual and automatic functions.
SpamControl cakemasher
Warn, kick or ban clients that switch channels, or change nicknames to often.
Alternating Channel Descriptions Tuetchen
Alternate between a predefined set of Channel Descriptions
Server Group Timer Tuetchen
Restricts the access to specific Server Groups for a specified Duration for each Client
Steam Level Query Tuetchen
Assigns Server Groups based on the Clients Steam Level
Automatic Server Group Assigner Tuetchen
Automatically assigns a ServerGroup when a user joins a specific channel or gets another ServerGroup
Default-Channel+ Diesmon
The bot moves itself back into an default channel if the current channel gets empty.
Reminder Script Kir-à
This script will send a message when user X joins the defined channel.
Auto Channel Creator Filtik
  • Featured
Created automatically when channels needed
Volume keeper kapabac
Maintaining a predetermined volume in a predetermined range
Edits a channelname to show, how many users of a configured group a currently online.
Renames Channels and shows YT-Subcounter, Livestreamstate and if online on teamspeak.
Checks if configured streamers are live on YouTube and will send link to joining users.
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