• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


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Disk usage
49.4 MB
KuschelBan - Ban your rulebreakers with ids K
Have you always wanted to punish your rule-breakers with an order? Then this script is for you!
YouTube Feed Filtik
YouTube Feed to channel description
Teleport A
Move every user entered certain channels to another predefined channels.
Advanced display playback information kapabac
  • Featured
Replace the bot channel name or nick on the current radio or artist + track and more...
Channel Cleaner HarpyWar
The script automatically removes inactive channels
Tips [with disabled-per-client option] DrWarpMan
Send your tips (messages), to clients on your server, every specified amount of time
Advanced Twitch Status Script with Overview Channel
Italian Language [FULL] APN Carmine
SinusBot Translation Italian Language Full New
Automatic Channel Group Assigner Tuetchen
Automatically assigns a channel group when a user joins a specific channel
SinusBot for Linux flyth
  • Featured
SinusBot for Linux 1.0.0-beta.16
TS3- and Discord-Bot
Steam User Query Tuetchen
Gives Information about the current status of a Steam User by assigning a Server Group
Weather Information Tuetchen
Gives Information about the weather forecast of a chosen city as a channels description or name
Resume Command K
Adds custom commands for resuming the playback
It Shows u the Information of the Playing music / Radio
Broadcast [with disabled-per-client option] DrWarpMan
Send your (important) messages, to every client on the server
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